- Question words(what, where, when, why, which, how, how many, how much, how old, who) Preguntas de respuesta sí o no en el presente: Do….? (para YOU, THEY, WE,I) Does….? (para HE, SHE, IT) Preguntas de sí o no en el pasado: Did…..?
- Simple present (para rutinas y hábitos)
- Actividades diarias (wake up, get up, have breakfast, go to high school, leave high school, do homework, have a snack, have dinner, etc)
- Adverbios de frecuencia (never, rarely, sometimes, often, usually, always)
- Present continuous Para actividades ocurriendo en el momento, actividades temporales S+AM/IS/ARE + VERB(ING) Para describir una imagen también usamos este tiempo verbal. Eg: Dad is cooking dinner now.
- Simple past Para hablar de hechos que ya pasaron, verbos regulares (ED) e irregulares (En la lista). Biografías y vacaciones.
- Giving opinions: I believe, I think, In my opinion, From my point of view, As I see it
- Expressing likes & dislikes (love, keen on, fond of, like, interested in, don’t like, hate)
- Interview (formato y expresiones)
- Music and eating habits vocabulary
- Food advertising analysis

jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013
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